5 Simple Tips on Persuasive & Effective Web Design | Magda Kwiatkowska

In this video, Magda Kwiatkowska shares five incredibly simple tips (that you haven’t heard of) to strengthen the persusasion and attractiveness of your website — so you can get prospects to choose you over your competitors. Join Mindvalley Insights for more like this – http://bit.ly/1QRYSdo

Magda Kwiatkowska started Psychology for Marketers with two goals in mind: to help you create the business in line with your passion while still leaving you time to do all the other things you love, and to help you improve your relationships with others and easily get things you want in life. She believes 99% of all our troubles would disappear if we only understood ourselves better. Magda is committed to helping you get to that understanding — and literally see how every aspect of your life starts improving.

Mindvalley Insights is an initiative started by Mindvalley to openly share the best business practices that allow us to get closer to achieving our goal: impacting one billion lives. To do this, we master and implement traffic strategies, social media campaigns, content marketing strategies, and much more. We share with you proven tips and techniques — in entrepreneurship, copywriting, branding, launches, etc… — so you too can build a highly profitable and successful business and achieve the results in life you’ve always dreamed of.



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From Magda Kwiatkowska:

►►► Magda Kay — Life Coach & Business Consultant


►►► Psychology For Marketers


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